Chellsie Challenge Super Team Opportunity

We have an exciting opportunity for our Level 4 through 10 athletes. At this year’s Chellsie Challenge there will be a Super Team Challenge on Saturday evening, January 28th.

The Super Team Challenge is a chance for athletes of different levels to compete together as a Midwest Twisters Super Team. We will need different levels represented to be eligible, and there are only 24 Team Spots Available. Six athletes will compete on each event, and different levels have to represented on each event. Therefore, Coaches will decide what event/events each athlete will be competing on. If you are interested in having your athlete participate please sign up on the google form below. We do not have space to accommodate all of our athletes so the team will be put together on a first come first serve basis to fill the the team with appropriate levels.

Sign My Gymnast up for Super Team Challenge

If you are not interested in participating there is nothing to fill out.

We do not know the session your athlete will compete in for the meet itself, it will not conflict with the Saturday night session. They will be expected to compete in both sessions. The Super Team Challenge will be in addition to their regular session.

For more information on the Super Team Competition please see the High 5 website the link is below.

Please sign up early if you are interested in having your athlete participating. We will confirm those competing in early January.

There is an additional charge to participate. The additional cost is $25/athlete. This will be charged with your January Tuition on the 1st of January.